First of all, our eyes were on Tokyo street fashion, then how people dress and how to live with it, as selected images. For the younger part of Japan, and especially in Tokyo is very important as you look and before leaving the house to the street carefully chosen outfit. That’s how the Japanese are able to combine, as it would seem different at first glance, styles, probably impossible to repeat any of the Europeans. We are very interested in fashion and local brands, which are almost exclusively in Japan and else where in Europe. We decided to start with Japan Fashion Week, and choosen five Japanese brands to the store – ATO, Mintdesigns, Theatre Products, Taishi Nobukuni and Tiny Dinosaur.
In November of 2007. we opened our store on Petrovsky Boulevard, masters of Alexander Petlura, where he immediately privacy the attention of art people.
In July 2008 we moved to Teatralny proezd d. 3 – in the heart of Moscow, in a historical building – monument of architecture of 19 century, the former Central baths. It is a place with a unique history and spirit.
In November 2011, our shop has been reconstructed as a result of increased sales square 2 times.
Currently we ‘re working with major international brands such as Comme des Garcons, ISSEY MIYAKE, Yohji Yamamoto, Rick OWENS, and also supported young European and Asian designers.
In 2014 our shop was one of the best shops of Moscow by magazine "Afisha". In 2016 and 2017. we award of the “Best luxury stores” in the nomination "100 BEST but RUSSIA."
In 2017, we opened the corner on the 4th floor in the Department store "TSVETNOY".
From the beginning our concept has been designated as art+fashion and brands are selected based primarily on their creative component. Many of the designers represented in the store, it's not just fashion, but primarily artists.
AIR MOSCOW is a unique art platform for young artists.
October 2017 in the framework of the Parallel program 7-th Moscow International Biennale of MOSCOW, AIR has become a platform for the international exhibition HOW CAN ONE TELL THE ARTIST FROM HER ART.

Japan is a country that inspires. Of course, it is the most advanced technologies for all.But most of all that strikes you is the people in Japan, their relationships, relationships to others, to nature. The Japanese remain children throughout their lives and they like to play. They are not afraid to experiment with themselves and their minds open. And this is certainly reflected in the clothes.
Modern Japanese fashion is very versatile, ranging from cartoon characters and ending with the monsters of Japanese fashion industry, such as YAMAMOTO, MYAKE, KAWAKUBO.
You can meet a girl, dressed in cheerful pink Lolita and a strict pack a jacket Comme des Garcons. And this combination of styles is found everywhere, but does not look gaudy, but quite the contrary.
All accessories are selected with very great care. In AIR, we try to bring in brands that you do not buy more neither in Russia nor in Europe, but it is important brands in the domestic Japanese market and are very popular in Japan, it’s such brands as NOZOMI ISHIGURO, PHENOMENON, ATO, AKIRA NAKA , MINTDESIGNS, THEATRE PRODUCTS and many others.
All Japanese designers presented in AIR, unique. During his time with them, we noticed a trend, those things that we brought two years ago, are now in the European fashion trends.
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